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Price Inquiry

*If your bundle of joy is here or if you are due within a week complete the form below AND call or text us at 800-749-5154 

Fill out the form below for an exact price for services.

All About Pricing

We have a unique pricing system that we have developed over 10 years that guarantees our price for placenta encapsulation is affordable and cost effective so we can help as many families as possible..

We travel to you, so our price for Placenta Encapsulation depends upon travel distance from our nearest available specialist and ranges from $325-390.

*Book services prior to your final month of pregnancy for a lower cost for services.

Pricing for services increases with gestational age (see our FAQs for an explanation of our prices). We encourage you to book services anytime between the 13th and the 35th week of pregnancy.

Wombmart Specialists are able to service a large area throughout central North Carolina (as well as northern SC and central Florida area).

We can often accommodate you, if you book services later in the pregnancy or once baby has arrived, but it will cost more and we cannot guarantee our availability or the timely commencement of services. 

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